
Your donation will help make a difference to someone in financial need.

Your donation will support programs in the community.

Your donation will train coaches and group leaders.

Make your donation in honor of, or in memory of someone.

Tax-deductible donations support individuals with financial need, community-based group program development, and creation of products to sell for sustainable programs.

As a Thank You for your donation, all donors will receive a original watercolor print card.

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Since 1989, Bridges Associates, Inc. has helped children and adults, affected by disabilities and barriers to school success, take charge of their lives.

We have provided assessment, coaching, group programs, and workshops in every school on the Cape and beyond; and in more than 25 programs and professional associations.

TAKE CHARGE!® was first published in 1995, with unique hands-on tools for experiential learning. TAKE CHARGE!® At Home and TAKE CHARGE!® At School followed. It has been tested, adapted and evaluated by participants and independent academic programs.

A caring coach, with lesson plans, surveys, worksheets, activities, and tools gives people a chance to achieve personal, family, educational, social, and professional success.

This donation will make a difference to someone!

A man was walking along a beach that was covered with starfish that had been left high and dry by the receding tide. He saw a girl picking them up, one by one, and throwing them back in the ocean. “What are you doing?” the man asked. “I’m saving the starfish,” replied the girl. “If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” Incredulous, the man replied, “On this beach alone there must be tens of thousands of starfish. Not to mention the thousands of miles of beaches around the world. How can you possibly make a difference?” The girl picked up another starfish, looked the man in the eye, and hurled it far out into the sea. Looking back at the man she said, “Made a difference to that one, didn’t it?”

~Author Unknown

Bridges Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 524
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

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Your donation will help
make a difference to someone who envisions success.